Pubblicazioni del gruppo di ricerca Networked Systems
Atanasious Mohab M. H., Becchetti Valentina, Baldisseri Federico, Menegatti Danilo, Wrona Andrea
Deep Reinforcement Learning Control of Type-1 Diabetes with Cross-Patient Generalization. Proceedings of 2024 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2024: -
Becchetti Valentina, Atanasious Mohab M. H., Menegatti Danilo, Baldisseri Federico, Giuseppi Alessandro
Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Individualized Model Predictive Control with Application to Type 1 Diabetes. Proceedings of 2024 32nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2024: -
Antonacci Yuri, Toppi Jlenia, Pietrabissa Antonio, Anzolin Alessandra, Astolfi Laura
Measuring Connectivity in Linear Multivariate Processes With Penalized Regression Techniques. IEEE ACCESS 2024: 30638-30652
Santosuosso Luca, Camal Simon, Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Michiorri Andrea, Kariniotakis Georges
Stochastic economic model predictive control for renewable energy and ancillary services trading with storage. SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, GRIDS AND NETWORKS 2024: -
Menegatti D., Giuseppi A., Manfredi S., Pietrabissa A.
A Discrete-Time Multi-Hop Consensus Protocol for Decentralized Federated Learning. IEEE ACCESS 2023: 80613-80623
PROIETTI MATTIA Gabriele, Pietrabissa Antonio, Beraldi Roberto
A Load Balancing Algorithm for Equalising Latency across Fog or Edge Computing Nodes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING 2023: 1-12
Donsante Manuel, Tortorelli Andrea, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
Liberati Francesco, De Santis Emanuele, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Large-scale Coordinated PEV Recharging. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2023 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) 2023: 1-6
Baldisseri F., Montecchiani E., Maiani A., Menegatti D., Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Fogliati V., Priscoli F. D.
Behavioural Cloning for Serious Games in Support of Pediatric Neurorehabilitation. 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) - Proceedings 2023: 487-492
Menegatti D., Giuseppi A., Delli Priscoli F., Pietrabissa A., Di Giorgio A., Baldisseri F., Mattioni M., Monaco S., Lanari L., Panfili M., Suraci V.
Liberati Francesco, Barcellona Simone, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Decentralized PEV Control Based on a Subgradient Method for Mixed-Integer Programming Problems. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering 2023: -6
Menegatti D, Betello F, Delli Priscoli F, Giuseppi A
Deep Image Inpainting to Support Endoscopic Procedures. Deep Image Inpainting to Support Endoscopic Procedures 2023: 507-512
Baldisseri Federico, Wrona Andrea, Menegatti Danilo, Pietrabissa Antonio, Battilotti Stefano, Califano Claudia, Cristofaro Andrea, Di Giamberardino Paolo, Facchinei Francisco, Palagi Laura, Giuseppi Alessandro, Delli Priscoli Francesco
Menegatti Danilo, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio
Distributed MARL with Limited Sensing for Robot Navigation Problems. IFAC-PapersOnLine 2023: -2037
Santosuosso L., Camal S., di Giorgio A., Liberati F., Michiorri A., Bontron G., Kariniotakis G.
Economic model predictive control for the energy management problem of a virtual power plant including resources at different voltage levels. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023) 2023: 2044-2048
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, DE SANTIS Emanuele, Frettoni Lucia, Felli Stefano, Liberati Francesco
Sciancalepore Francesco, Fabozzi Francesco, Albino Giulia, DEL BALDO Giada, DI RUSCIO Valentina, Laus Beatrice, Menegatti Danilo, Premuselli Roberto, Elena Secco Domitilla, Eugenio Tozzi Alberto, Lacorte Eleonora, Vanacore Nicola, Carai Andrea, Mastronuzzi Angela
Menegatti Danilo, Manfredi Sabato, Pietrabissa Antonio, Poli Cecilia, Giuseppi Alessandro
Hierarchical Federated Learning for Edge Intelligence through Average Consensus. IFAC-PapersOnLine 2023: -868
Giuseppi A, Lo Porto Lp, Wrona A, Menegatti D
Landslide Susceptibility Prediction from Satellite Data through an Intelligent System based on Deep Learning. Mediterranean Control Conference 2023: 513-520
Menegatti D., Pietrabissa A., Manfredi S., Giuseppi A.
Load Demand Prediction for Electric Vehicles Smart Charging through Consensus-based Federated Learning. 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) Proceedings 2023: 500-506
Tantucci A, Wrona A, Pietrabissa A
Precise Orbit Determination on LEO Satellite using Pseudorange and Pseudorange-Rate Measurements. Mediterranean Control Conference 2023: 341-347
Giuseppi A., Menegatti D., Pietrabissa A.
Stability of Non-Cooperative Load Balancing with Time-Varying Latency. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2023: 7445-7450
Imran Muhammad, Antonucci Giovanni, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Priscoli Francesco Delli, Tortorelli Andrea, Liberati Francesco
Task Scheduling in Assembly Lines with Single-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) 2023: -1588
Menegatti D., Ciccarelli E., Viscione M., Giuseppi A.
Vertically-Advised Federated Learning for Multi-Strategic Stock Predictions through Stochastic Attention-based LSTM. 2023 31st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) Proceedings 2023: 521-528
Cassiau N., Kim I., Strinati E. C., Noh G., Pietrabissa A., Arnal F., Casati G., Choi T., Choi Y. -J., Chung H., Colombero S., Zotto P. D., De Santis E., Dore J. -B., Giuseppi A., Houssin J. -M., Kim J., Laugeois M., Pigni F., Popon X., Raschkowski L., Thary M., Won S. H.
5G-ALLSTAR: Beyond 5G Satellite-Terrestrial Multi-Connectivity. 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit) 2022: 148-153
Ornatelli A., Giuseppi A., Tortorelli A.
A Distributed Average Cost Reinforcement Learning approach for Power Control in Wireless 5G Networks. 2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress, AIIoT 2022 2022: 393-399
Tortorelli Andrea, Imran Muhammad, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Liberati Francesco
Giuseppi A., Manfredi S., Pietrabissa A.
A Weighted Average Consensus Approach for Decentralized Federated Learning. MACHINE INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH 2022: 319-330
Tomasicchio G., Fiorini F., De Matteis A., Brancati M., Ceccarelli A., Cialone C., Pietrabissa A., Giuseppi A., De Santis E., Priscoli F. D., Losquadro G., Saggese M.
Giuseppi A., Torre L. D., Menegatti D., Priscoli F. D., Pietrabissa A., Poli C.
An Adaptive Model Averaging Procedure for Federated Learning (AdaFed). JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2022: 539-548
Baldisseri Federico, Maiani Arturo, Montecchiani Edoardo, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Menegatti Danilo, Fogliati Vincenzo
Vernuccio Federico, Bresci Arianna, Cimini Valeria, Giuseppi Alessandro, Cerullo Giulio, Polli Dario, Valensise Carlo Michele
Artificial Intelligence in Classical and Quantum Photonics. LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS 2022: 2100399-
Saif S. S., Aras K., Giuseppi A.
Automated Optical Inspection for Printed Circuit Board Assembly Manufacturing with Transfer Learning and Synthetic Data Generation. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2022 2022: 318-323
Sciancalepore Francesco, Tariciotti Leonardo, Remoli Giulia, Menegatti Danilo, Carai Andrea, Petruzzellis Giuseppe, Miller Kiersten, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Premuselli Roberto, Eugenio Tozzi Alberto, Mastronuzzi Angela, Vanacore Nicola, Lacorte Eleonora, Study Group Allena-Mente
Giuseppi A., Manfredi S., Menegatti D., Poli C., Pietrabissa A.
Giuseppi A., Manfredi S., Menegatti D., Pietrabissa A., Poli C.
Decentralized Federated Learning for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring in Smart Energy Communities. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2022 2022: 312-317
Menegatti Danilo, Giuseppi Aless, Ro , Pietrabissa Antonio
Model Predictive Control for Collision-free Spacecraft Formation with Artificial Potential Functions. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2022: 564-570
De Santis Emanuele, Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Optimal Control of a Grid-connected Service Area for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Fast Charging under uncertain Power Demand. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2022: 49-55
Germana R., Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Di Giorgio A.
Optimal Energy Storage System Placement for Robust Stabilization of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks. 2022 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2022 2022: 821-828
Delli Priscoli F., Pietrabissa A., Giuseppi A.
Robust and fault-tolerant spacecraft attitude control based on an extended-observer design. CONTROL THEORY AND TECHNOLOGY 2022: 323-337
De Santis Emanuele, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Capponi Michael, Delli Priscoli Francesco
Satellite Integration into 5G: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Network Selection. MACHINE INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH 2022: 127-137
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A.
Stability and Wardrop Equilibria of Non-Cooperative Routing With Time-Varying Load. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2022: 1-8
Ornatelli Antonio, Tortorelli Andrea, Liberati Francesco
A Distributed Reinforcement Learning approach for Power Control in Wireless Networks. 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT) 2021: 0275-0281
Giuseppi Alessandro, Della Torre Lucrezia, Menegatti Danilo, Pietrabissa Antonio
AdaFed: Performance-based Adaptive Federated Learning. ICAAI 2021: 2021 The 5th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence (ICAAI) 2021: 38-43
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A.
Bellman's principle of optimality and deep reinforcement learning for time-varying tasks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2021: 1-12
Delli Priscoli F., De Santis E., Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A.
Capacity-constrained Wardrop equilibria and application to multi-connectivity in 5G networks. JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE 2021: 9364-9384
Mastronuzzi Angela, Secco Domitilla Elena, Laus Beatrice, Carai Andrea, Tozzi Alberto, Premuselli Roberto, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, Menegatti Danilo, Rizzotto Eloisa, Garone Giacomo, Sciancalepore Francesco, Lacorte Eleonora, Tariciotti Leonardo, Remoli Giulia, Vanacore Nicola, Raucci Umberto
Cognitive deficits in children with brain tumours: A project to create a software for cognitive training. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCESAbstracts from the World Congress of Neurology (WCN 2021) 2021: 161-161
Mastronuzzi Angela, Secco Domitilla Elena, Laus Beatrice, Carai Andrea, Tozzi Alberto, Premuselli Roberto, Dellipriscoli Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, Menegatti Danilo, Others
Cognitive deficits in childrens with brain tumours: A project to create a software for cognitive training. JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 2021: -
Di Giorgio A, Atanasious Mmh, Guetta S, Liberati F
Control of an Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging: Impact of Configuration Choices and Demand Uncertainty. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2021 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) 2021: -
Valensise Carlo M., Giuseppi Alessandro, Cerullo Giulio, Polli Dario
Deep reinforcement learning control of white-light continuum generation. OPTICA 2021: 239-
Antonacci Y., Minati L., Faes L., Pernice R., Nollo G., Toppi J., Pietrabissa A., Astolfi L.
Estimation of Granger Causality through Artificial Neural Networks: applications to Physiological Systems and Chaotic Electronic Oscillators. PEERJ. COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2021: 1-44
Santopaolo A., Saif S. S., Pietrabissa A., Giuseppi A.
Forest fire risk prediction from satellite data with convolutional neural networks. 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2021 2021: 360-367
Germana' Roberto, De Santis Emanuele, Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro
On the participation of charging point operators to the frequency regulation service using plug-in electric vehicles and 5G communications. 21ST International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC) 2021: -
Liberati Francesco, Germana' Roberto, De Santis Emanuele, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Optimal Control of an Energy Storage System and Plug-in Electric Vehicles Fast Charging in a Grid-connected Service Area. 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2021: 202-207
Germanà Roberto, Liberati Francesco, De Santis Emanuele, Giuseppi Alessandro, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Peprah G. K., Liberati F., Altaf F., Osei-Dadzie G., Di Giorgio A., Pietrabissa A.
Optimal load sharing in reconfigurable battery systems using an improved model predictive control method. 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2021: 979-984
Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Koch Giorgio
Optimal Stochastic Control of Energy Storage System Based on Pontryagin Minimum Principle for Flattening PEV Fast Charging in a Service Area. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2021: -
Liberati F., Garone E., Giorgio A. D.
Review of cyber-physical attacks in smart grids: A system-theoretic perspective. ELECTRONICS 2021: -
Giuseppi A., Germana R., Fiorini F., Priscoli F. D., Pietrabissa A.
Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio
Wardrop Equilibrium in Discrete-Time Selfish Routing with Time-Varying Bounded Delays. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2021: 526-537
Kim Junhyeong, Casati Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, Calvanese Strinati Emilio, Cassiau Nicolas, Noh Gosan, Chung Heesang, Kim Ilgyu, Thary Marjorie, Houssin Jean-Michel, Pigni Federico, Colombero Sylvain, Dal Zotto Pierre, Raschkowski Leszek, Jaeckel Stephan
5G-ALLSTAR: An Integrated Satellite-Cellular System for 5G and Beyond. Procedeengs of the 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW) 2020: 1-6
Calvanese Strinati Emilio, Barbarossa Sergio, Choi Taesang, Pietrabissa Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, De Santis Emanuele, Vidal Josep, Becvar Zdenek, Haustein Thomas, Cassiau Nicolas, Costanzo Francesca, Kim Junhyeong, Kim Ilgyu
6G in the sky: On‐demand intelligence at the edge of 3D networks. ETRI JOURNAL 2020: 643-657
Giuseppi Alessandro, Andreani Andrea, Priscoli Francesco Delli, Suraci Vincenzo, Tortorelli Andrea, Fiaschetti Andrea, Germanà Roberto
A Decision Support Tool for optimal configuration of Critical Infrastructures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES 2020: 1-
Tortorelli Andrea, Fiaschetti Andrea, Giuseppi Alessandro, Suraci Vincenzo, Germanà Roberto, Priscoli Francesco Delli
A security metric for assessing the security level of critical infrastructures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS 2020: 74-94
Wu Y., Isidori A., Marconi L.
Achieving Almost Feedback-Linearization via Low-Power Extended Observer. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2020: 1030-1035
Di Giorgio Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto
An extended-observer approach to robust stabilisation of linear differential-algebraic systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2020: 181-193
Delli Priscoli Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Lisi Federico
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A.
Chance-Constrained Control with Lexicographic Deep Reinforcement Learning. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2020: 1-97
Liberati F., Garone E.
Constrained Control of Linear Discrete-Time Systems under Quartic Performance Criterion. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2020: 301-306
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Liberati F., Di Giorgio A.
Controlled optimal black start procedures in smart grids for service restoration in presence of electrical storage systems. 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2020 2020: 746-751
Germana Roberto, Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Plug-in Electric Vehicles Charging based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020: 739-745
Giuseppi Alessandro, Maaz Shahid Syed, De Santis Emanuele, Ho Won Seok, Kwon Sungoh, Choi Taesang
Design and Simulation of the Multi-RAT Load-balancing Algorithms for 5G-ALLSTAR Systems. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) 2020: 594-596
Kim J., Casati G., Cassiau N., Pietrabissa A., Giuseppi A., Yan D., Calvanese Strinati E., Thary M., He D., Guan K., Chung H., Kim I.
Design of cellular, satellite, and integrated systems for 5G and beyond. ETRI JOURNAL 2020: 669-688
Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco
Efficient and Risk-Aware Control of Electricity Distribution Grids. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2020: 3586-3597
Germana' Roberto, Giuseppi Alessandro, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Ensuring the Stability of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks: A Robust Control Scheme Using Energy Storage Systems. 2020 European Control Conference (ECC) 2020: 1330-1335
Ornatelli Antonio, Tortorelli Andrea, Giuseppi Alessandro
Iterative MPC for Energy Management and Load Balancing in 5G Heterogeneous Networks. 2020 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) 2020: 0467-0471
Choi T., Won S. H., Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Kwon S.
Management and Orchestration Architecture for Integrated Access of Satellite and Terrestrial in 5G. 2020 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) 2020: 40-45
Liberati Francesco
Model Predictive Control of a Road Junction. SMART CITIES 2020: 806-817
Giuseppi Alessandro, De Santis Emanuele, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Won Seok Ho, Choi Taesang, Pietrabissa Antonio
Network Selection in 5G Networks Based on Markov Games and Friend-or-Foe Reinforcement Learning. 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW) 2020: 1-5
Liberati F., Tortorelli A., Mazquiaran C., Imran M., Panfili M.
Optimal Control of Industrial Assembly Lines. 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2020 2020: 721-726
Wu Y., Isidori A., Lu R., Khalil H. K.
Performance Recovery of Dynamic Feedback-Linearization Methods for Multivariable Nonlinear Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2020: 1365-1380
Valensise C. M., Giuseppi A., Vernuccio F., De la Cadena A., Cerullo G., Polli D.
Removing non-resonant background from CARS spectra via deep learning. APL PHOTONICS 2020: -
Delli Priscoli Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio
Traffic Steering and Network Selection in 5G Networks based on Reinforcement Learning. 2020 European Control Conference (ECC) 2020: 595-601
Ornatelli Antonio, Giuseppi Alessandro, Suraci Vincenzo, Tortorelli Andrea
User-aware centralized resource allocation in heterogeneous networks. 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2020: 292-298
Pyrkin A., Isidori A.
Adaptive output regulation of right-invertible MIMO LTI systems, with application to vessel motion control. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2019: 63-79
Isidori A., Pyrkin A., Borisov O.
Borisov O. I., Pyrkin A. A., Isidori A.
Application of enhanced extended observer in station-keeping of a quadrotor with unmeasurable pitch and roll angles. 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS 2019 2019: 837-842
Di Giorgio Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Germana Roberto, Liberati Francesco
Decentralised Model Predictive Control of Electric Vehicles Charging. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) 2019: 3216-3222
Pietrabissa Antonio, Ricciardi Celsi Lorenzo
Discrete-time selfish routing converging to the wardrop equilibrium. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL 2019: 1288-1294
Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco
Dynamic distributed clustering in wireless sensor networks via Voronoi tessellation control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2019: 1001-1014
Antonacci Yuri, Toppi Jlenia, Mattia Donatella, Pietrabissa Antonio, Astolfi Laura
Estimation of brain connectivity through Artificial Neural Networks. 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2019: 636-639
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Cilione S., Galvagni L.
Feedback linearization-based satellite attitude control with a life-support device without communications. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2019: 221-230
Liberati F., Di Giorgio A., Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Habib E., Martirano L.
Joint Model Predictive Control of Electric and Heating Resources in a Smart Building. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS 2019: 7015-7027
Pietrabissa Antonio, Ricciardi Celsi Lorenzo, Cimorelli Federico, Suraci Vincenzo, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Monaco Salvatore
Lyapunov-based design of a distributed wardrop load-balancing algorithm with application to software-defined networking. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 2019: 1924-1936
Giuseppi A., De Santis E., Di Giorgio A.
Model Predictive Control of Energy Storage Systems for Power Regulation in Electricity Distribution Networks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) 2019: 3365-3370
Lisi F., Losquadro G., Tortorelli A., Ornatelli A., DONSANTE MANUEL
Multi-Connectivity in 5G Terrestrial-Satellite Networks: the 5G-ALLSTAR solution. 25 th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference 2019: -
Operations Management of Satellite Launch Centers. 26th Ka and Broadband Communications, Navigation and Earth Observation Conference 2019: -
Giuseppi A., Tortorelli A., Germana R., Liberati F., Fiaschetti A.
Securing cyber-physical systems: An optimization framework based on OSSTMM and genetic algorithms. 2019 27th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2019: 50-56
Antonacci Yuri, Toppi Jlenia, Mattia Donatella, Pietrabissa Antonio, Astolfi Laura
Single-trial Connectivity Estimation through the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. 2019 41th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2019: 6422-6425
Antonacci Yuri, Toppi Jlenia, Pietrabissa Antonio, Mattia Donatella, Astolfi Laura
The estimation of Granger causality on single EEG trials by means of penalized regressions. Abstract book of the annual meeting of human brain mapping organization 2019: -
R Paolo Conforto, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo
A game theoretic model and a distributed admission control scheme for quality of service routing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS, CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS 2018: 338-368
Panfili M, Giuseppi A, Fiaschetti A, Al-Jibreen Hb, Pietrabissa A, Priscoli Fd
A Game-Theoretical Approach to Cyber-Security of Critical Infrastructures Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018: 460-465
Pietrabissa Antonio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Oddi Guido, Chini Giorgia, Chiang Ming Li, Poli Cecilia
Cooperative receding horizon strategies for the multivehicle routing problem. OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS 2018: 248-262
Suraci V, Ricciardi Celsi L., Giuseppi A, Manfredi G, Di Giorgio A
Distributed Wardrop Load Balancing in Multi-MTU SCADA Systems. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018: 466-472
Liberati F., Di Giorgio A.
Antonacci Y., Toppi J., Pietrabissa A., Cincotti F., Mattia D., Astolfi L.
How does multicollinearity affect brain connectivity estimation? A simulation study based on penalized regression technique. Abstract Book of the sixth national congress of bioengineering 2018: -
Adamsky F., Aubigny M., Battisti F., Carli M., Cimorelli F., Cruz T., Di Giorgio A., Foglietta C., Galli A., Giuseppi A., Liberati F., Neri A., Panzieri S., Pascucci F., Proenca J., Pucci P., Rosa L., Soua R.
Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: the ATENA approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION 2018: 72-82
Huang J., Isidori A., Marconi L., Mischiati M., Sontag E., Wonham W. M.
Internal Models in Control, Biology and Neuroscience. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2018: 5370-5390
Martirano Luigi, Habib Emanuele, Giuseppi Alessandro, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Nearly zero energy building model predictive control for efficient heating. 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2018 2018: 1-6
Di Giorgio A., Zuccaro L., Coppola G., Caleno F.
Plug-in Electric Vehicles Smart Charging in Italy: Control System Architecture and Field Test Results. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe) 2018: 1-5
Cincotti Febo, Ferriero Dario Giuseppe, Giuseppi Alessandro, Ricciardi Celsi Lorenzo, Pietrabissa Antonio, Poli Cecilia
Giuseppi A., Germana R., Di Giorgio A.
Risk Adverse Virtual Power Plant Control in Unsecure Power Systems. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018: 210-216
Di Giorgio Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto
Robust output regulation for a class of linear differential-algebraic systems. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS 2018: 477-482
Di Giorgio Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto
Robust protection scheme against cyber-physical attacks in power systems. IET CONTROL THEORY & APPLICATIONS 2018: 1792-1801
Fiaschetti A., Azzoni P., Noll J., Uribeetxeberria R., Pietrabissa A., Priscoli F. D., Suraci V., Mignanti S., Liberati F., Panfili M., Di Giorgio A., Morgagni A.
The SHIELD approach. Measurable and Composable Security, Privacy, and Dependability for Cyberphysical Systems: The SHIELD Methodology 2018: 105-158
Antonacci Yuri, Toppi Jlenia, Pietrabissa Antonio, Mattia Donatella, Astolfi Laura
Toward estimation of brain connectivity as new feature for BCI application. Abstract Book of the seventh International BCI Meeting 2018: -
Suraci Vincenzo, Celsi Lorenzo Ricciardi, Giuseppi Alessandro, Di Giorgio Alessandro
A distributed wardrop control algorithm for load balancing in smart grids. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017: 761-767
Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Gambuti Raffaele, Lanna Andrea, Suraci Vincenzo, Delli Priscoli Francesco
An any-sink energy-efficient routing protocol in multi-hop wireless sensor networks for planetary exploration. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 2017: -
Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Panfili Martina, Suraci Vincenzo
An approximate dynamic programming approach to resource management in multi-cloud scenarios. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2017: 492-503
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio
Controlled electricity distribution network black start with energy storage system support. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2017) 2017: 781-786
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Esposito Mariana, Fiaschetti Andrea, Flammini Francesco, Mignanti Silvano, Pragliola Concetta
Ensuring Cyber-Security in Smart Railway Surveillance with SHIELD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS 2017: 138-170
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Lanna Andrea, Pietrabissa Antonio, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
Model Predictive Control of Energy Storage Systems for Power Tracking and Shaving in Distribution Grids. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 2017: 496-504
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lisi Federico, Monaco Salvatore, Pietrabissa Antonio, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Suraci Vincenzo
Multi-agent quality of experience control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION, AND SYSTEMS 2017: 892-904
RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Gambuti Raffaele, Tortorelli Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
On the many-to-many carpooling problem in the context of multi-modal trip planning. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017: 303-309
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Ornatelli Antonio, Rabezzano Antonio, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo
On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017: 986-992
G. Tomasicchio, P. Conforto, G. Losquadro, LA FERLA MARCO, ORNATELLI ANTONIO
Small Sat Mission for Maritime Surveillance, based on SAR, VDES/AIS and COMINT/ELINT Integrated Solutions. Proceedings of the 23rd Ka and Broadband Communications Conference and the 35th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems 2017: -
Liberati Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Suraci Vincenzo, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Trubian Marco, Dietrich David, Papadimitriou Panagiotis, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
Stochastic and exact methods for service mapping in virtualized network infrastructures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT 2017: 1-19
Kourtis Michail-alexandros, Mcgrath Michael J., Gardikis Georgios, Xilouris Georgios, Riccobene Vincenzo, Papadimitriou Panagiotis, Trouva Eleni, Liberati Francesco, Trubian Marco, Batallã© Josep, Koumaras Harilaos, Dietrich David, Ramos Aurora, Riera Jordi Ferrer, Bonnet Josã©, Pietrabissa Antonio, Ceselli Alberto, Petrini Alessandro
T-NOVA: An open-source MANO stack for NFV infrastructures. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT 2017: 586-602
Pietrabissa Antonio, Suraci Vincenzo
Wardrop equilibrium on time-varying graphs. AUTOMATICA 2017: 159-165
Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco, Oddi Guido
A distributed algorithm for Ad-hoc network partitioning based on Voronoi Tessellation. AD HOC NETWORKS 2016: 37-47
Cimorelli Federico, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, Celsi Lorenzo Ricciardi, Suraci Vincenzo, Zuccaro Letterio
A distributed load balancing algorithm for the control plane in software defined networking. 2016 24th Mediterranean conference on control and automation (MED 2016). Athens, Greece 21-24 June 2016 2016: 1033-1040
Canale Silvia, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lisi Federico, Panfili Martina, Celsi L. Ricciardi, Suraci Vincenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
A Future Internet oriented user centric extended intelligent transportation system. 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2016) 2016: 1133-1139
Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio, Oddi G., Suraci V.
A Lexicographic Approach to Constrained MDP Admission Control. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2016: 235-247
Pietrabissa Antonio
Distributed stochastic multi-vehicle routing in the Euclidean plane with no communications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2016: 1664-1674
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Germanà Roberto, Presciuttini Marco, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
On the control of energy storage systems for electric vehicles fast charging in service areas. 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2016: 955-960
Bruni Carlo, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Koch Giorgio, Palo Andi, Pietrabissa Antonio
Quality of Experience Provision in the Future Internet. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2016: 302-312
Riera Jordi Ferrer, Batalle Josep, Bonnet Jose, Dias Miguel, Mcgrath Michael, Petralia Giuseppe, Liberati Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Ceselli Alberto, Petrini Alessandro, Trubian Marco, Papadimitrou Panagiotis, Dietrich David, Ramos Aurora, Melian Javier, Xilouris George, Kourtis Akis, Kourtis Tasos, Markakis Evangelos K.
TeNOR: steps towards an orchestration platform for multi-PoP NFV deployment. 2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft) 2016: 243-250
Riera Jordi Ferrer, Batalle Josep, Bonnet Jose, Dias Miguel, Mcgrath Michael, Petralia Giuseppe, Liberati Francesco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Ceselli Alberto, Petrini Alessandro, Trubian Marco, Papadimitrou Panagiotis, Dietrich David, Ramos Aurora, Melian Javier, Xilouris George, Kourtis Akis, Kourtis Tasos, Markakis Evangelos K.
TeNOR: steps towards an orchestration platform for multi-PoP NFV deployment. 2016 IEEE NetSoft conference and workshops (NetSoft 2016) Seoul, South Korea 6-10 June 2016 2016: 243-250
Pietrabissa Antonio, Poli Cecilia, Oddi Guido, Palagi Laura, Suraci Vincenzo
A distributed bandwidth allocation algorithm for bluetooth wireless networks based on Wardrop equilibrium. 2015 34th Chinese control conference (CCC 2015). Hangzhou, China 28-30 July 2015 2015: 6469-6474
Battilotti Stefano, Cimorelli Federico, Cusani Roberto, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Suraci Vincenzo, Zuccaro Letterio
A future internet interface to control programmable networks. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings 2015: 242-248
Liberati Francesco, Oddi Guido, Lanna Andrea, Pietrabissa Antonio
A lightweight sensor scheduling algorithm for clustered wireless sensor networks. 2015 23rd Mediterranean conference on control and automation (MED 2015). Torremolinos (Malaga), Spain 16-19 June 2015 2015: 953-959
Battilotti Stefano, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Monaco Salvatore, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Vincenzo Suraci
A multi-agent reinforcement learning based approach to quality of experience control in future internet networks. 2015 34th Chinese control conference (CCC 2015). Hangzhou, China 28-30 July 2015 2015: 6495-6500
RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Battilotti Stefano, Cimorelli Federico, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Monaco Salvatore, Panfili Martina, Suraci Vincenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
A Q-Learning based approach to Quality of Experience control in cognitive Future Internet networks. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2015: 1045-1052
Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Facchinei Francisco, Palagi Laura, Lanna Andrea
A QoE-aware dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm based on game theory. 2015 23rd Mediterranean conference on control and automation (MED 2015). Torremolinos (Malaga), Spain 16-19 June 2015 2015: 979-985
Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Monaco Salvatore, Palagi Laura, Suraci V.
A reinforcement learning approach for QoS/QoE model identification. 2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) 2015: 2019-2023
Battilotti Stefano, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Pietrabissa Antonio, Monaco Salvatore, Panfili Martina, Canale Silvia, Suraci V.
Approaches for Future Internet architecture design and Quality of Experience (QoE) Control. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS 2015: 62-73
Fiaschetti Andrea, Lanna Andrea, Panfili Martina, Mignanti Silvano, Pietrabissa Antonio, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Cusani Roberto, Scarano Gaetano, Morgagni A.
Attack-Surface Metrics, OSSTMM and Common Criteria Based Approach to “Composable Security” in Complex Systems. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS 2015: 187-202
Zuccaro Letterio, Cimorelli Federico, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Giorgi C. Gori, Monaco Salvatore, Suraci V.
Distributed control in virtualized networks. PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE 2015: 276-283
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Lanna Andrea
Electric energy storage systems integration in distribution grids. 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2015) 2015: 1279-1284
Gambuti Raffaele, Canale Silvia, Facchinei Francisco, Lanna Andrea, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric vehicle trip planning integrating range constraints and charging facilities. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2015: 472-479
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Monaco Salvatore, Vincenzo Suraci
Future internet architecture: Control-based perspectives related to Quality of Experience (QoE) management. 2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC) 2015: 6475-6482
Alvarez Francisco, Rodrigues Pedro, Sinogas Pedro, Oliveira André, Vlrdimireva Tanya, Zhai Xiaojun, Liberati Francesco, Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Crosnier Michael, Rivera Cayetano, Millen David, Moreno Luis
IAC-15-A3.5.9 Low power lightweight micro-meteorological station for wireless sensor network based space exploration. 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015 (IAC 2015). The Gateway for Mankind's Future 2015: 1310-1320
Martirano Luigi, Marrocco Roberto, Liberati Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
KNX protocol compliant load shifting and storage control in residential buildings. 2015 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting 2015: 1-6
Delli Priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto, Marconi Lorenzo, Pietrabissa Antonio
Leader-Following Coordination of Nonlinear Agents under Time-varying Communication Topologies. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL OF NETWORK SYSTEMS 2015: 393-405
Martirano Luigi, Parise Giuseppe, Falvo Maria Carmen, Grasselli Umberto, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Lanna Andrea
Real time optimal power flow integrating large scale storage devices and wind generation. 2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2015 - Conference Proceedings 2015: 480-486
Pietrabissa Antonio, Battilotti Stefano, Facchinei Francisco, Giuseppi Alessandro, Oddi Guido, Panfili Martina, Suraci Vincenzo
Resource management in multi-cloud scenarios via reinforcement learning. 2015 34th Chinese control conference (CCC 2015). Hangzhou, China 28-30 July 2015 2015: 9084-9089
Fiaschetti Andrea, Pietrabissa Antonio, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
Towards manufacturing 2.0: An innovative architecture for the Factory of the Future. 2015 European conference on networks and communications (EuCNC 2015). Paris, France 29 June – 2 July 2015 2015: 450-454
Oddi G., Pietrabissa A., Delli Priscoli F., Suraci V.
A decentralized load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous wireless access networks. WTC 2014 - World Telecommunications Congress 2014 2014: -
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
A Model Predictive Control-Based Approach for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Charging: Power Tracking, Renewable Energy Sources Integration and Driver Preferences Satisfaction. Plug In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids 2014: 203-240
Battilotti Stefano, Cimorelli Federico, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, GORI GIORGI Claudio, Monaco Salvatore, Panfili Martina
An Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning for Quality of Experience (QoE) Control. RECENT ADVANCES IN COMPUTER ENGINEERINGProceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers 2014: 481-486
Fiaschetti Andrea, A. Morgagni, Lanna Andrea, Panfili Martina, Mignanti Silvano, Cusani Roberto, Scarano Gaetano, Pietrabissa Antonio, V. Suraci, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco
Control architecture to provide E2E security in interconnected systems: the (new) SHIELD approach. Advances in Information Science and Applications 2014: 359-365
Macone Donato, Liberati Francesco, Simeoni Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Castrucci Marco, S. Panzieri, S. Iassinovski, M. Minichino, E. Ciancamerla
Detection of and Reaction to Cyber Attacks in a Critical Infrastructures Scenario: The Cockpit-CI Approach. International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2012) 2014: 39-44
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, L. Fogliati, Palo Andi, Pietrabissa Antonio
Dynamic Class of Service mapping for Quality of Experience control in future networks. WTC 2014; World Telecommunications Congress 2014 2014: 1-6
Lanna Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric Vehicles Charging Control based on Future Internet Generic Enablers. Proc. of IEVC 2014 2014: ?-?
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
Electric vehicles charging control in a smart grid: A model predictive control approach. CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE 2014: 147-162
Liberati Francesco, Mercurio Andrea, Zuccaro Letterio, A. Tortorelli, DI GIORGIO Alessandro
Electric vehicles charging load reprofiling. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2014: 728-733
Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco
Energy balancing in multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks: An approach based on reinforcement learning. 2014 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems 2014: 262-269
delli priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto, Marconi Lorenzo, Pietrabissa Antonio
Leader-following coordination of nonlinear agents under time-varying communication topologies. 2014 IEEE 53rd Annual conference on decision and control (CDC 2014). Los Angeles, California, USA 15-17 December 2014 2014: 797-804
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
G. Coppola, F. Caleno, T. Casacchia, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco, Zuccaro Letterio
Operational interfaces for EV Smart Charging across extended e-mobility value chain. Proc. of CIRED Workshop 2014 2014: -
Chini G., Poli C., Oddi G., Pietrabissa A., Grigioni M.
Receding Horizon Multi-Vehicle Routing for Emergency Scenarios. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2014: 374-379
C. Poli, Pietrabissa Antonio, A. Cerqua, D. G. Ferriero, M. Grigioni
Scalable Optimal Planning of Sensor Networks for Hospital Assets Tracking. 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2014: 422-427
Tamea Gabriele, Matteo Cusmai, Palo Andi, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Antonio Cimmino
Situation awareness in airport environment based on Semantic Web technologies. Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), 2014 IEEE International Inter-Disciplinary Conference on 2014: 174-180
Zuccaro Letterio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia, Lanna Andrea, V. Fernandez Pallares, A. Mart nez Blanco, R. Urbano Escobar, J. Ratej, B. Mehle, U. Krisper
Smart Vehicle to Grid Interface Project: Electromobility Management System Architecture and Field Test Results. Proc. of IEVC 2014 2014: ?-?
P. Rodrigues, A. Oliveira, F. Alvarez, R. Cabas, Oddi Guido, Liberati Francesco, T. Vladimirova, X. Zhai, H. Jing, M. Crosnier
Martirano Luigi, Serena Fornari, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio
A distributed multi-path algorithm for wireless ad-hoc networks based on Wardrop routing. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2013: 930-935
Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio
A lexicographic approach to constrained MDP admission control. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation 2013: 1428-1433
Oddi Guido, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio, Zuccaro Letterio, Suraci Vincenzo
A resource allocation algorithm of multi-cloud resources based on Markov Decision Process. International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science 2013: 130-135
Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Oddi Guido, Sassano Antonio, Mignanti Silvano
A Rule-based Approach for Medical Decision Support. eTELEMED 2013, The Fifth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine 2013: 35-40
Pietrabissa Antonio
A stochastic control approach to Slotted-ALOHA random access protocol. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2013: 2290-2301
An electrocardiogram (ECG) signal processing algorithm for heart parameters estimation based on qrs complex detection. BIODEVICES 2013 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices 2013: 249-252
C. Foglietta, S. Panzieri, D. Macone, Liberati Francesco, A. Simeoni
Detection and impact of cyber attacks in a critical infrastructures scenario: the CockpitCI approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 2013: 211-221
Pietrabissa Antonio, Fiaschetti Andrea
Dynamic uplink frame optimization with adaptive coding and modulation in DVB-RCS2 satellite networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING 2013: 123-139
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Canale Silvia
IEC 61851 compliant electric vehicle charging control in smartgrids. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 1329-1335
Macone Donato, Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio
MQ-Routing: Mobility-, GPS- and energy-aware routing protocol in MANETs for disaster relief scenarios. AD HOC NETWORKS 2013: 861-878
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio
On-board stochastic control of electric vehicle recharging. 2013: 5710-5715
Mercurio Andrea, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Fabio Purificato
Optimal fully electric vehicle load balancing with an ADMM algorithm in smartgrids. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 119-124
Silvia Canale, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Andrea Lanna, Andrea Mercurio, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio
Optimal planning and routing in medium voltage powerline communications networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID 2013: 711-719
Pietrabissa Antonio, Cecilia Poli, Dario Giuseppe Ferriero, Mauro Grigioni
Optimal planning of sensor networks for asset tracking in hospital environments. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS 2013: 304-313
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Mercurio Andrea, Liberati Francesco
Regulation of angular speed and reactive power for a wind turbine applying robust feedback linearization and H∞ control. 21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation MED13 2013: 1316-1321
Fiaschetti Andrea, Suraci Vincenzo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Andrea Taglialatela
Semantic Technologies to Model and Control the “Composability” of Complex Systems: A Case Study. Horizons in Computer Science Research. Volume 8 2013: 91-110
J. Monreal, P. Peral, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, A. Martinez, V. Fernandez
Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Mignanti Silvano, Oddi Guido, Sassano Antonio, Macone Donato, Piazzo Lorenzo, F. Costa, P. De Stefanis
The Bravehealth Software Architecture for the Monitoring of Patients Affected by CVD. Proc. of The Fifth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, TELEMED 2013 2013: 29-34
P. Rodrigues, A. Oliveira, R. Mendes, F. Alvarez, M. Crosnier, T. Vladimirova, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Oddi Guido, Pietrabissa Antonio
Wireless sensor networks for moon exploration. Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2013: 950-959
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
A Bayesian Network-Based Approach to the Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Analysis. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2012: 510-519
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Francesco Liberati
A model predictive control approach to the load shifting problem in a household equipped with an energy storage unit. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1491-1498
Oddi Guido, Macone Donato, Pietrabissa Antonio, Liberati Francesco
A proactive link-failure resilient routing protocol for MANETs based on reinforcement learning. 2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED) 2012: 1259-1264
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Pimpinella Laura
An event driven Smart Home Controller enabling consumer economic saving and automated Demand Side Management. APPLIED ENERGY 2012: 92-103
Macone Donato, Liberati Francesco, Simeoni Andrea, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Castrucci Marco, Panzieri Stefano, Iassinovski Serguei, Minichino Michele, Ciancamerla Ester
Detection of and reaction to cyber attacks in a critical infrastructures scenario: The CockpitCI apporach. International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop, DHSS 2012, Held at the International Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation Multiconference, I3M 2012 2012: 39-44
Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Alessandra Quaresima
Distributed control approach for Community Energy Management Systems. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1265-1271
Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Alessandra Quaresima
Distributed control approach for Community Energy Management Systems in presence of storage. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1303-1308
Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Mignanti Silvano, Sassano Antonio, Suraci Vincenzo
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, V. Suraci, M. Iannone
Modelling quality of experience in future internet networks. 2012 Future Network & Mobile Summit (FutureNetw) 2012: 1-6
Carlo Bruni, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Giorgio Koch, Pietrabissa Antonio, Laura Pimpinella
Network Decomposition and Optimal Multipath Routing Control Problem for Load Balancing. TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES 2012: 154-165
Bruni Carlo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, G. Koch, Pietrabissa Antonio, Pimpinella Laura
Optimal Control Strategies for Multipath Routing: from Load Balancing to Bottleneck Link Management. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends 2012: 405-420
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati, Silvia Canale
Optimal electric vehicles to grid power control for active demand services in distribution grids. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 1309-1315
Canale Silvia, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Lanna Andrea, Mercurio Andrea, Panfili Martina, Pietrabissa Antonio
Resilient planning of PowerLine Communications networks over Medium Voltage distribution grids. 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2012) 2012: 710-715
Bruni Carlo, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, G. Koch, Pietrabissa Antonio
Resource Allocation in Next Generation Networks. Network Quality of Service 2012: 1-32
The SHIELD Framework: how to control Security, Privacy and Dependability in Complex Systems. Complexity in Engineering (COMPENG), 2012 2012: 1-4
Castrucci Marco, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Pietrabissa Antonio, Suraci Vincenzo
A cognitive future internet architecture. The Future Internet 2011: 91-102
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Alessandra Quaresima, Simone Curti
An event driven Smart Home Controller enabling cost effective use of electric energy and automated Demand Side Management. 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2011) 2011: 358-364
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati
Interdependency modeling and analysis of critical infrastructures based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks. 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2011) 2011: 791-797
Castrucci Marco, M. Cecchi, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, L. Fogliati, P. Garino, Suraci Vincenzo
Key concepts for the Future Internet architecture. Future Network and MobileSummit 2011 Conference Proceedings 2011: -
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella, Andrea Mercurio
A feedback linearization based Wind turbine control system for ancillary services and standard steady state operation. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 1585-1590
Paolo Conforto, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Facchinei Francisco
Existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium in the non-cooperative QoS routing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL 2010: 776-788
Andrea Mercurio, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Laura Pimpinella
Generation Portfolio Optimization by NPV formulation, Monte Carlo Estimators and Genetic Algorithms. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 761-766
Paolo Capodieci, Stefano Diblasi, Ester Ciancamerla, Michele Minichino, Chiara Foglietta, Davide Lefevre, Gabriele Oliva, Stefano Panzieri, Roberto Setola, S. De Porcellinis, DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, Castrucci Marco, Suraci Vincenzo, Leonid Lev, Yosi Shneck, Djamel Khadraoui, Jocelyn Aubert, Serguei Iassinovski, Jianmin Jiang, Paulo Simoes, Felipe Caldeira, Agnieszka Spronska, Carlo Harpes, Matthieu Aubigny
Improving resilience of interdependent critical infrastructures via an on-line alerting system. COMPLEXITY IN ENGINEERING: COMPENG 2010, PROCEEDINGS 2010: 88-90
L. Pimpinella, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, A. Mercurio
Local energy management system: Control scheme and loads modeling. 18th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED'10 2010: 304-308