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2021, ELECTRONICS, Pages - (volume: 10)

Review of cyber-physical attacks in smart grids: A system-theoretic perspective (01a Articolo in rivista)

Liberati F., Garone E., Giorgio A. D.

This paper presents a review of technical works in the field of cyber-physical attacks on the smart grid. The paper starts by discussing two reference mathematical frameworks proposed in the literature to model a smart grid under attack. Then, a review of cyber-physical attacks on the smart grid is presented, starting from works on false data injection attacks against state estimationThe aim is to present a systematic and quantitative discussion of the basic working principles of the attacks, also in terms of the inner smart grid vulnerabilities and dynamical properties exploited by the attack. The main contribution of the paper is the attempt to provide a unifying view, highlighting the fundamental aspects and the common working principles shared by the attack models, even when targeting different subsystems of the smart grid.
Gruppo di ricerca: Networked Systems
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma