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2023, AAAI-23 Special Programs, IAAI-23, EAAI-23, Student Papers and Demonstrations, Pages 15782-15788 (volume: 37)

Adaptive Temporal Planning for Multi-Robot Systems in Operations and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Jovan F., Bernardini S.

With the fast development of offshore wind farms as renewable energy sources, maintaining them efficiently and safely becomes necessary. The high costs of operation and maintenance (O&M) are due to the length of turbine downtime and the logistics for human technician transfer. To reduce such costs, we propose a comprehensive multi-robot system that includes unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), autonomous surface vessels (ASV), and inspection-and-repair robots (IRR). Our system, which is capable of co-managing the farms with human operators located onshore, brings down costs and significantly reduces the Health and Safety (H&S) risks of O&M by assisting human operators in performing dangerous tasks. In this paper, we focus on using AI temporal planning to coordinate the actions of the different autonomous robots that form the multi-robot system. We devise a new, adaptive planning approach that reduces failures and replanning by performing data-driven goal and domain refinement. Our experiments in both simulated and real-world scenarios prove the effectiveness and robustness of our technique. The success of our system marks the first-step towards a large-scale, multi-robot solution for wind farm O&M.
ISBN: 9781577358800
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma