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Computer Networks and Pervasive Systems

The group is conducting research on emerging networking technologies and modern pervasive systems. Our research in these areas involves both theoretical investigations and practical implementations. We work closely with industry partners to design and deploy real-world networking solutions that leverage these emerging technologies. The research activity is supported by the Wireless Sensor Networks Laboratory.

Theories, models, and algorithms: Models for dynamic networks; hierarchical and heterogeneous networks; fast-evolving networks; network dynamics; network growth and evolution; epidemic processes; population protocols; complex networks; scale-free algorithms; local algorithms; applied machine learning; federated learning.

Domain-specific challenges and novel applications: urban/mobile crowdsensing & intelligence; pervasive systems for healthcare and well-being; smart water metering services; cyber-physical pervasive systems; smart homes and virtual assistants; mixed reality; pervasive AR/VR;  smart vehicles; disaster sensing and management.

Technological innovations: architectures, protocols, and technologies for pervasive communications; stream processing; cloud-edge processing continuum; resource allocation in fog computing; energy-harvesting, energy-transfer, self-powered, or battery-less systems; mobile and wearable systems; smart devices and environments; positioning, navigation, timing, and tracking technologies; device-free human sensing; blockchains and smart contracts.



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11Giu 24

Stefan Fischer, University of Lübeck, Germany


Progetti di ricerca

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma