Pubblicazioni di Dangelico Rosa Maria
Vito Albino, Dangelico ROSA MARIA
Green economy principles applied to cities: an analysis of best performers and the proposal of a set of indicators. IFKAD - KCWS 2012: 7TH INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON KNOWLEDGE ASSET DYNAMICS, 5TH KNOWLEDGE CITIES WORLD SUMMIT: KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY: INTEGRATING MICRO & MACRO PERSPECTIVES 2012: 2665-2689
Vito Albino, Azzurra Balice, Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Francesca Iacobone
The effect of adoption of environmental strategies on green product development: a study of companies in world sustainability indices. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT 2012: 525-538
P. Pontrandolfo, Dangelico ROSA MARIA
A. Messeni Petruzzelli, Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Daniele Rotolo, Vito Albino
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, F. Iacobone, A. Messeni Petruzzelli, D. Rotolo
Technology Districts’ Performance Indicators: a review of the literature and the proposal for a list of indicators for policy makers. Proceedings of the 6th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) - Knowledge-based Foundation of the Service Economy 2011: 308-321
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Achille Claudio Garavelli, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli
A system dynamics model to analyze technology districts' evolution in a knowledge-based perspective. TECHNOVATION 2010: 142-153
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo
From green product definitions and classifications to the Green Option Matrix. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2010: 1608-1628
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Devashish Pujari
Mainstreaming green product innovation: Why and how companies integrate environmental sustainability. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS 2010: 471-486
Vito Albino, Azzurra Balice, Dangelico ROSA MARIA
Environmental strategies and green product development: An overview on sustainability-driven companies. BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 2009: 83-96
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, P. Pontrandolfo, D. Pujari
Integration of environmental issues into product development: the role of external integrative capabilities and the creation of windows of opportunity.. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference 2009 2009: -
Dangelico ROSA MARIA
The future of innovation is ‘green’. The Future of Innovation Book 2009: 110-111
V. Albino, A. Balice, Dangelico ROSA MARIA
The influence of environmental strategies on green product development: an analysis of companies with different commitment towards sustainability. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCEProceedings of the 16th International Product Development Management Conference 2009: -
V. Albino, Dangelico ROSA MARIA, P. Pontrandolfo, D. Pujari
Green product development: a survey in textile and upholstered furniture industries. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCEProceedings of the 15th International Product Development Management Conference 2008: -
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, D. Pujari
Green product innovations: a multiple-case study analysis in Italy and Canada. INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCEProceedings of the 15th International Product Development Management Conference 2008: -
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Achille Claudio Garavelli, A. Messeni Petruzzelli
Knowledge creation and transfer in local and global technology networks: A system dynamics perspective. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBALISATION AND SMALL BUSINESS 2008: 300-324
Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Achille Claudio Garavelli, A. Messeni Petruzzelli
Knowledge gatekeepers and technology districts development. A system dynamics modelling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2008: 166-191
Dangelico ROSA MARIA
The influence of collaborations on new product development performance: the case of two Italian mature industries. Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference 2008 2008: -
V. Albino, Dangelico ROSA MARIA, A. Messeni Petruzzelli
The design and management of logistics service markets. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Production Research 2007: -
Vito Albino, Dangelico ROSA MARIA, Antonio Messeni Petruzzelli
The evaluation of coordination policies in logistics services markets. Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks 2007: 657-666