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2024, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Pages 1-10 (volume: 3686)

Exploiting Robots as Healthcare Resources for Epidemics Management and Support Caregivers (04b Atto di convegno in volume)

Napoli C., Napoli C., Ponzi V., Puglisi A., Russo S., Tibermacine I. E.

The COVID-19 emergency has exposed the fragility of many Health Care Systems around the world. Two major critical factors have been related to the management of critical care accesses and the availability of healthcare operators. COVID-like diseases are generally transmitted by airborne pathogens that grant a high contagion rate and rapidity. Unfortunately, health operators and medical doctors are the designated first victims of such epidemics. Infected operators (symptomatic or not) must be put at rest due to the potential contagion risk for the patients. In the midst of global health catastrophes such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare sector is always looking for new ways to improve patient care while reducing the risk of disease transmission. This study takes an innovative approach to the integration of robotic technology in hospital settings in order to increase operational efficiency, protect healthcare personnel, and improve patient outcomes. This study digs into the strategic deployment of robotic resources, with an emphasis on their function in epidemic control and front-line caregiver assistance. We look at how these robots may do different duties, decreasing human-to-human contact and the possibility of viral transmission. We pave the road for a safer, more efficient, and resilient healthcare environment by using the potential of robots as important healthcare resources.
© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma