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2024, SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING, Pages - (volume: 23)

On the application of process management and process mining to Industry 4.0 (01a Articolo in rivista)

Monti Flavia, Mathew JERIN GEORGE, Leotta Francesco, Koschmider Agnes, Mecella Massimo

The continuous evolution of digital technologies applied to the more traditional world of industrial automation led to Industry 4.0, which envisions production processes subject to continuous monitoring and able to dynamically respond to changes that can affect the production at any stage (resilient factory). The concept of agility, which is a core element of Industry 4.0, is defined as the ability to quickly react to breaks and quickly adapt to changes. Accurate approaches should be implemented aiming at managing, optimizing and improving production processes. In this vision paper, we show how process management (BPM) can benefit from the availability of raw data from the industrial internet of things to obtain agile processes by using a top-down approach based on automated synthesis and a bottom-up approach based on mining.
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