Teamwork efficiency and safety are inextricably linked. The capability of having online
insights and access to objective information regarding cognitive and emotional aspects of the team members using neurophysiological measures (brain activity, skin
conductance, heart rate) will endow a tool which can support Instructors during the
assessment and management of teams. Such neurophysiological measures can be
seen as the physical interface that will enable for gathering insights about all the aspects relating to Human Factors (HFs) of the operators. The study aimed at developing
and validating a methodology able to objectively measure the teamwork dynamics
and efficiency. This objective has been performed in a real surgery-related context.
A data-driven approach based on machine - learning (ML) and multivariate autoregressive (MVAR) models has been employed to develop the Neurometrics - based
teamwork model. Such a model considered the co-variations both within each HF
(e.g., Low vs High Stress) and between different HFs (e.g., Attention vs Workload) to
consider their simultaneous coexistence. The results of this preliminary study demonstrated that it is possible to quantify the teamwork of operators while dealing with
real tasks and endow additional information for a more accurate teams assessment
and management.
Dettaglio pubblicazione
2023, Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering, Pages - (volume: 102)
Teamwork objective assessment through neurophysiological data analysis: a preliminary multimodal data validation (04b Atto di convegno in volume)
Borghini Gianluca, Ronca Vincenzo, Aricò Pietro, Di Flumeri Gianluca, Giorgi Andrea, Bonelli Stefano, Moens Laura, Castagneto Gissey Lidia, Irene Bellini Maria, Casella Giovanni, Babiloni Fabio
ISBN: 9781958651780
Gruppo di ricerca: Bioengineering and Bioinformatics