Pubblicazioni del gruppo di ricerca Cybersecurity
Artuso Fiorella, Mormando Marco, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Querzoni Leonardo
BinBert: Binary Code Understanding with a Fine-tunable and Execution-aware Transformer. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2024: -
Borrello Pietro, Fioraldi Andrea, D'Elia DANIELE CONO, Balzarotti Davide, Querzoni Leonardo, Giuffrida Cristiano
Predictive Context-sensitive Fuzzing. Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2024 2024: -
Maiano Luca, Montuschi Antonio, Caserio Marta, Ferri Egon, Kieffer Federico, Germanò Chiara, Baiocco Lorenzo, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo, Amerini Irene, Anagnostopoulos Aristidis
A deep-learning–based antifraud system for car-insurance claims. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2023: 120644-
Annarelli Alessandro, Bonomi Silvia, Colabianchi Silvia, Nonino Fabio, Palombi Giulia, Pompei Alessandro, Querzoni Leonardo
Mekdad Yassine, Aris Ahmet, Babun Leonardo, El Fergougui Abdeslam, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Selcuk Uluagac A.
A survey on security and privacy issues of UAVs. COMPUTER NETWORKS 2023: 1-25
Console F., D'Aquanno G., Di Luna G. A., Querzoni L.
BinBench: a benchmark for x64 portable operating system interface binary function representations. PEERJ. COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2023: -
Carello MARIA PATRIZIA, Marchetti-Spaccamela Alberto, Querzoni Leonardo, Angelini Marco
SoK: Cybersecurity Regulations, Standards and Guidelines for the Healthcare Sector. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2023: -6
Assaiante C., D'Elia D. C., Di Luna G. A., Querzoni L.
Where Did My Variable Go? Poking Holes in Incomplete Debug Information. International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems - ASPLOS 2023: 935-947
Acitelli G., Angelini M., Bonomi S., Maggi F. M., Marrella A., Palma A.
Context-Aware Trace Alignment with Automated Planning. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2022 2022: 104-111
Artuso F., Di Luna G. A., Querzoni L.
Debugging Debug Information with Neural Networks. IEEE ACCESS 2022: 54136-54148
Maiano Luca, Papa Lorenzo, Vocaj Ketbjano, Amerini Irene
DepthFake: a depth-based strategy for detecting Deepfake videos. ICPR 2022 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia Forensics and Disinformation Detection 2022: -
D’Elia Daniele Cono, Invidia Lorenzo, Palmaro Federico, Querzoni Leonardo
Evaluating Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Systems for Conspicuous Features and Artifacts. DIGITAL THREATS 2022: 1-13
Borzacchiello Luca, Coppa Emilio, Demetrescu Camil
Handling Memory-Intensive Operations in Symbolic Execution. ISEC 2022: 15th Innovations in Software Engineering Conference 2022: -
Desolda G., Ferro L. S., Marrella A., Catarci T., Costabile M. F.
Human Factors in Phishing Attacks: A Systematic Literature Review. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 2022: 1-35
Baldini Gianmarco, Amerini Irene
Microphone Identification based on Spectral Entropy with Convolutional Neural Network. 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2022: 1-6
Baldini G., Amerini I.
Amerini I., Conti M., Giacomazzi P., Pajola L.
PRaNA: PRNU-based Technique to Tell Real and Deepfake Videos Apart. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2022: 1-7
Priamo Giacomo, D'Elia Daniele Cono, Querzoni Leonardo
Principled Composition of Function Variants for Dynamic Software Diversity and Program Protection. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2022: 1-5
Borzacchiello L., Coppa E., Maiorca D., Columbu A., Demetrescu C., Giacinto G.
Reach Me if You Can: On Native Vulnerability Reachability in Android Apps. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2022: 701-722
Borzacchiello L., Coppa E., Demetrescu C.
SENinja: A symbolic execution plugin for Binary Ninja. SOFTWAREX 2022: 101219-
Bardhi E., Conti M., Lazzeretti R., Losiouk E., Taffal A.
Sim2Testbed Transfer: NDN Performance Evaluation. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022: 1-9
Coppa Emilio, Yin Heng, Demetrescu Camil
SymFusion: Hybrid Instrumentation for Concolic Execution. Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2022) 2022: -
Frontera S., Lazzeretti R.
Bloom Filter based Collective Remote Attestation for Dynamic Networks. ARES 2021: The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2021: 1-10
Angelini Marco, Blasilli Graziano, Bonomi Silvia, Lenti Simone, Palleschi Alessia, Santucci Giuseppe, Paoli Emiliano De
BUCEPHALUS: a BUsiness CEntric cybersecurity Platform for proActive anaLysis Using visual analyticS. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) 2021: 15-25
Borrello P., D'Elia D. C., Querzoni L., Giuffrida C.
Constantine: Automatic Side-Channel Resistance Using Efficient Control and Data Flow Linearization. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2021: 715-733
Magalini S., Gui D., Mari P., Merialdo M., Spanakis E., Sakkalis V., Rizzoni F., Casaroli A., &, , Bonomi S.
Cyberthreats to Hospitals: Panacea, a Toolkit for People-Centric Cybersecurity. STRATEGIC INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY 2021: -
Amerini I., Anagnostopoulos A., Maiano L., ricciardi Celsi L.
Deep learning for multimedia forensics. FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISION 2021: 309-457
D'Elia Daniele Cono, Nicchi Simone, Mariani Matteo, Marini Matteo, Palmaro Federico
Designing Robust API Monitoring Solutions. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2021: 1-15
Di Luna Giuseppe Antonio, Italiano Davide, Massarelli Luca, Österlund Sebastian, Giuffrida Cristiano, Querzoni Leonardo
Distinguished paper award. Who’s debugging the debuggers? exposing debug information bugs in optimized binaries 2021: -
Spanakis Emmanouil G., Sfakianakis Stelios, Bonomi Silvia, Ciccotelli Claudio, Magalini Sabina, Sakkalis Vangelis
Emerging and Established Trends to Support Secure Health Information Exchange. FRONTIERS IN DIGITAL HEALTH 2021: -
Massarelli Luca, Di Luna Giuseppe Antonio, Petroni Fabio, Querzoni Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto
Function Representations for Binary Similarity. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2021: -15
Borzacchiello Luca, Coppa Emilio, Demetrescu Camil
Fuzzing Symbolic Expressions. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021: 711-722
Borzacchiello L., Coppa E., Demetrescu C.
FUZZOLIC: Mixing fuzzing and concolic execution. COMPUTERS & SECURITY 2021: -
Borrello Pietro, Coppa Emilio, D'Elia Daniele Cono
Hiding in the Particles: When Return-Oriented Programming Meets Program Obfuscation. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) 2021: 555-568
Bardhi Enkeleda, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Losiouk Eleonora
ICN PATTA: ICN Privacy Attack Through Traffic Analysis. 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) 2021: 443-446
Maiano L., Amerini I., Ricciardi Celsi L., Anagnostopoulos A.
Identification of social-media platform of videos through the use of shared features. JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2021: 1-16
Amerini I., Baldini G., Leotta F.
Image and video forensics. JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2021: -
Ambrosin M., Conti M., Lazzeretti R., Yu C. -M.
Introduction to the special issue on security and privacy for connected cyber-physical systems. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS 2021: 1-2
Cabal-Yepez E., Ledesma-Carrillo L. M., Botella G., Amerini I.
Introduction to the special section on image processing in security applications (VSI-ipsa). COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2021: 106935-
Baldini G., Ramos J. L. H., Amerini I.
Intrusion detection based on gray-level co-occurrence matrix and 2d dispersion entropy. APPLIED SCIENCES 2021: 1-24
Amerini I., Anagnostopoulos A., Maiano L., Ricciardi Celsi Lorenzo
Learning double-compression video fingerprints left from social-media platforms. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2021: 2530-2534
Pasquini C., Amerini I., Boato G.
Media forensics on social media platforms: a survey. EURASIP JOURNAL ON MULTIMEDIA AND INFORMATION SECURITY 2021: -
Caldelli R., Galteri L., Amerini I., Del Bimbo A.
Optical Flow based CNN for detection of unlearnt deepfake manipulations. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS 2021: 31-37
D'Elia Daniele Cono
D'Elia D. C., Invidia L., Querzoni L.
Rope: Covert Multi-process Malware Execution with Return-Oriented Programming. Computer Security – ESORICS 2021 2021: 197-217
Angelini M., Bonomi S., Ciccotelli C., Palma A.
Toward a Context-Aware Methodology for Information Security Governance Assessment Validation. Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection 2021: 171-187
Di Luna G. A., Italiano D., Massarelli L., Osterlund S., Giuffrida C., Querzoni L.
Who's Debugging the Debuggers? Exposing Debug Information Bugs in Optimized Binaries. ASPLOS 2021: Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems 2021: 1034-1045
Baldini G., Amerini I.
An evaluation of entropy measures for microphone identification. ENTROPY 2020: 1-30
Massarelli Luca, Aniello Leonardo, Ciccotelli Claudio, Querzoni Leonardo, Ucci Daniele, Baldoni Roberto
AndroDFA: Android Malware Classification Based on Resource Consumption. INFORMATION 2020: -
Di Luna Giuseppe Antonio, Anceaume Emmanuelle, Querzoni Leonardo
Byzantine Generalized Lattice Agreement. 2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2020: 674-683
Ambrosin M., Conti M., Lazzeretti R., Rabbani M. M., Ranise S.
Collective Remote Attestation at the Internet of Things Scale: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS 2020: 2447-2461
Giuseppi A., Pietrabissa A., Liberati F., Di Giorgio A.
Controlled optimal black start procedures in smart grids for service restoration in presence of electrical storage systems. 2020 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2020 2020: 746-751
Spanakis E. G., Bonomi S., Sfakianakis S., Santucci G., Lenti S., Sorella M., Tanasache F. D., Palleschi A., Ciccotelli C., Sakkalis V., Magalini S.
Cyber-attacks and threats for healthcare - A multi-layer thread analysis. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2020: 5705-5708
Laurenza G., Lazzeretti R.
dAPTaset: A Comprehensive Mapping of APT-Related Data. Computer Security 2020: 217-225
Liberati Francesco, Di Giorgio Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco
Efficient and Risk-Aware Control of Electricity Distribution Grids. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2020: 3586-3597
Germana' Roberto, Giuseppi Alessandro, Di Giorgio Alessandro
Ensuring the Stability of Power Systems Against Dynamic Load Altering Attacks: A Robust Control Scheme Using Energy Storage Systems. 2020 European Control Conference (ECC) 2020: -
Amerini I., Caldelli R.
Exploiting Prediction Error Inconsistencies through LSTM-based Classifiers to Detect Deepfake Videos. IH and MMSec 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security 2020: 97-102
Fioraldi A., Delia D. C., Querzoni L.
Fuzzing Binaries for Memory Safety Errors with QASan. Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Secure Development, SecDev 2020 2020: 23-30
Angelini Marco, Ciccotelli Claudio, Franchina Luisa, Marchetti Spaccamela Alberto, Querzoni Leonardo
Italian National Framework for Cybersecurity and Data Protection. Privacy Technologies and Policy. APF 2020 2020: -
Pitolli Gregorio, Laurenza Giuseppe, Aniello Leonardo, Querzoni Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto
MalFamAware: Automatic Family Identification and Malware Classification Through Online Clustering. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY 2020: -
Laurenza Giuseppe, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Mazzotti Luca
Malware triage for early identification of Advanced Persistent Threat activities. DIGITAL THREATS 2020: -
D'Elia Daniele Cono
My Ticks Don't Lie: New Timing Attacks for Hypervisor Detection. Black Hat Europe Briefings 2020: -
D'Elia D. C., Coppa E., Palmaro F., Cavallaro L.
On the Dissection of Evasive Malware. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2020: 2750-2765
Fioraldi A., D'Elia D. C., Coppa E.
WEIZZ: Automatic grey-box fuzzing for structured binary formats. ISSTA 2020 - Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis 2020: 1-13
Olivato M., Cotugno O., Brigato L., Bloisi D., Farinelli A., Iocchi L.
A Comparative Analysis on the use of Autoencoders for Robot Security Anomaly Detection. 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2019: 984-989
D'Elia Daniele Cono
BluePill: Neutralizing Anti-Analysis Behavior in Malware Dissection. Black Hat Europe Briefings 2019: -
Tanasache F. D., Sorella M., Bonomi S., Rapone R., Meacci D.
Building an emulation environment for cyber security analyses of complex networked systems. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series 2019: 203-212
Coppa Emilio, Finocchi Irene, LEON GARCIA Renan
Counting cliques in parallel without a cluster: engineering a fork/join algorithm for shared-memory platforms. INFORMATION SCIENCES 2019: 553-571
AMERINI IRENE, Galteri Leonardo, Caldelli Roberto, Del Bimbo Alberto
Deepfake Video Detection through Optical Flow Based CNN. 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop (ICCVW) 2019: 1205-1207
Bo P., Granato A., Mancuso M. E., Ciccotelli C., Querzoni L.
FADa-CPS—Faults and Attacks Discrimination in Cyber Physical Systems. Policy-Based Autonomic Data Governance 2019: 91-112
Massarelli Luca, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Petroni Fabio, Querzoni Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto
Investigating Graph Embedding Neural Networks with Unsupervised Features Extraction for Binary Analysis. Proceedings BAR 2019 Workshop on Binary Analysis Research 2019: 1-11
Borzacchiello Luca, Coppa Emilio, D'Elia DANIELE CONO, Demetrescu Camil
Memory Models in Symbolic Execution: Key Ideas and New Thoughts. SOFTWARE TESTING, VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY 2019: -
Baldini Gianmarco, Amerini Irene, Gentile Claudio
Microphone Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. IEEE SENSORS LETTERS 2019: 1-4
Petagna Emanuele, Laurenza Giuseppe, Ciccotelli Claudio, Querzoni Leonardo
Peel the Onion: Recognition of Android Apps Behind the Tor Network. Information Security Practice and Experience 2019: 95-112
Petagna Emanuele, Laurenza Giuseppe, Ciccotelli Claudio, Querzoni Leonardo
Borzacchiello Luca, Coppa Emilio, D'Elia Daniele Cono, Demetrescu Camil
Reconstructing C2 Servers for Remote Access Trojans with Symbolic Execution. Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning 2019: 121-140
Massarelli Luca, Di Luna Giuseppe Antonio, Petroni Fabio, Baldoni Roberto, Querzoni Leonardo
SAFE: Self-Attentive Function Embeddings for Binary Similarity. Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment 2019: 309-329
Barni M., Droandi G., Lazzeretti R., Pignata T.
Semba: Secure multi-biometric authentication. IET BIOMETRICS 2019: 411-421
Baldini Gianmarco, Amerini Irene
Amerini I., Li C. -T., Caldelli R.
Social Network Identification Through Image Classification with CNN. IEEE ACCESS 2019: 35264-35273
D'Elia DANIELE CONO, Coppa Emilio, Nicchi Simone, Palmaro Federico, Cavallaro Lorenzo
SoK: Using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation for Security (And How You May Get Caught Red Handed). AsiaCCS '19 Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2019: 15-27
Caldelli R., Chaumont M., Li C. -T., Amerini I.
Special issue on Deep Learning in Image and Video Forensics. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2019: 199-200
D'Elia D. C., Coppa E., Salvati A., Demetrescu C.
Static analysis of ROP code. EuroSec '19 Proceedings of the 12th European Workshop on Systems Security 2019: -
Angelini Marco, Blasilli Graziano, Borzacchiello Luca, Coppa Emilio, D'Elia Daniele Cono, Demetrescu Camil, Lenti Simone, Nicchi Simone, Santucci Giuseppe
SymNav: Visually Assisting Symbolic Execution. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec 2019) 2019: -
Borrello P., Coppa E., D'Elia D. C., Demetrescu C.
The ROP needle: Hiding trigger-based injection vectors via code reuse. SAC '19 Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing 2019: 1962-1970
Phan Q. -T., Boato G., Caldelli R., Amerini I.
Tracking Multiple Image Sharing on Social Networks. ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 2019: 8266-8270
Coltellese Simone, Maria Maggi Fabrizio, Marrella Andrea, Massarelli Luca, Querzoni Leonardo
Triage of IoT Attacks Through Process Mining. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2019 Conferences 2019: 326-344
Angelini Marco, Blasilli Graziano, Catarci Tiziana, Lenti Simone, Santucci Giuseppe
Vulnus: Visual Vulnerability Analysis for Network Security. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS 2019: 183-192
Baldoni Roberto, Coppa Emilio, D'Elia Daniele Cono, Demetrescu Camil, Finocchi Irene
A Survey of Symbolic Execution Techniques. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 2018: -
Angelini Marco, Bonomi Silvia, Borzi Emanuele, Del Pozzo Antonella, Lenti Simone, Santucci Giuseppe
An attack graph-based on-line multi-step attack detector. ICDCN '18 Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2018: -
Luo Ying, Cheung Sen ching S., Lazzeretti Riccardo, Pignata Tommaso, Barni Mauro
Anonymous subject identification and privacy information management in video surveillance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY 2018: 261-278
Bonomi Silvia, Del Pozzo Antonella, Potop-Butucaru Maria, Tixeuil Sébastien
Approximate Agreement under Mobile Byzantine Faults. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 2018: 17-29
Bonomi S., Del Pozzo A., Potop-Butucaru M., Tixeuil S.
Brief announcement: Optimal self-stabilizing mobile byzantine-tolerant regular register with bounded timestamps. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2018: 398-403
Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Liagkou Vasiliki, Spirakis Paul G.
Brief Announcement: Providing End-to-End Secure Communication in Low-Power Wide Area Networks. Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning 2018: 101-104
Liberati F., Di Giorgio A.
Compagno Alberto, Conti Mauro, Munari Stefano, Lazzeretti Riccardo
GATE and FENCE: Geo-Blocking Protocols for Named Data Networking. 2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) 2018: 580-588
Baldoni Roberto, De Nicola Rocco, Prinetto Paolo, Anglano COSIMO FILOMENO, Aniello Leonardo, Antinori Arije, Armando Alessandro, Aversa Rocco, Baldi Marco, Barili Antonio, Bartoletti Massimo, Basile Basile, Bellini Marco, Bergadano Francesco, Bernardeschi Cinzia, Bertino , Elisa Bianchi, Giuseppe , Biancotti Claudia, Bistarelli Stefano, Blefari Melazzi Nicola, Boetti Milena, Bondavalli Andrea, Bonomi Silvia, Buccafurri Francesco, Cambiaso Enrico, Caputo Barbara, Carminati Barbara, Cataliotti Francesco Saverio, Catarci Tiziana, Ceccarelli Andrea, Cesa Bianchi Nicolò, Chiaraluce Franco, Colajanni Michele, Conti Marco, Conti Mauro, Coppolino Luigi, Costa Gabriele, Costamagna Valerio, Cotroneo Domenico, Crispo Bruno, Cucchiara Rita, D’Antonio Salvatore, Damiani Ernesto, De Nicola Rocco, De Santis Alfredo, Di Battista Giuseppe, Di Martino Beniamino, Degiovanni Ivo Pietro, Demetrescu Camil, Di Corinto Arturo, Di Luna Antonio, Di Natale Giorgio, Dini Gianluca, Evangelisti Marco, Falcinelli Daniela, Figà Gianna, Ferretti Marco, Ficco Massimo, Flocchini Paola, Flottes Marie-Lise, Focardi Riccardo, Franchina Luisa, Furfaro Angelo, Girdinio Paola, Guida Franco, Italiano Giuseppe F., Lain Daniele, Laurenti Nicola, Lioy Antonio, Loreti Michele, Malerba Donato, Mancini Luigi Vincenzo, Marchetti Spaccamela Alberto, Marcialis Gianluca, Margheri Andrea, Marrella Andrea, Martinelli Fabio, Martinelli Maurizio, Martino Luigi, Massacci Fabio, Mayer Marco, Mecella Massimo, Mensi Maurizio, Merlo Alessio, Miculan Marino, Montanari Luca, Morana Marco, Mosco Gian Domenico, Mostarda Leonardo, Murino Vittorio, Nardi Daniele, Navigli Roberto, Palazzi Andrea, Palmieri Francesco, Panetta Ida, Passarella Andrea, Pellegrini Alessandro, Pelosi Gerardo, Pellegrino Giancarlo, Pirlo Giuseppe, Piuri Vincenzo, Pizzonia Maurizio, Pogliani Marcello, Polino Mario, Pontil Massimiliano, Prinetto Paolo, Quaglia Francesco, Quattrociocchi Walter, Querzoni Leonardo, Rak Massimiliano, Ranise Silvio, Ricci Elisa, Rossi Lorenzo, Rota Paolo, Russo Ludovico Orlando, Samarati Pierangela, Santoro Nicola, Santucci Beppe, Sassone Vladimiro, Scala Antonio, Scotti Fabio, Servida Andrea, Spagnoletti Paolo, Spalazzi Luca, Spidalieri Francesca, Spoto Austo, Squarcina Marco, Stefanelli Stefania, Vecchio Alessio, Venticinque Salvatore, Villoresi Paolo, Visaggio Aaron, Vitaletti Andrea, Zanero Stefano
Adamsky F., Aubigny M., Battisti F., Carli M., Cimorelli F., Cruz T., Di Giorgio A., Foglietta C., Galli A., Giuseppi A., Liberati F., Neri A., Panzieri S., Pascucci F., Proenca J., Pucci P., Rosa L., Soua R.
Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: the ATENA approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION 2018: 72-82
Capossele Angelo, Gaglione Andrea, Nati Michele, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Missier Paolo
Leveraging Blockchain to Enable Smart-Health Applications. 2018 IEEE 4th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI) 2018: 333-338
Ambrosin M., Conti M., Lazzeretti R., Rabbani M. M., Ranise S.
PADS: Practical Attestation for Highly Dynamic Swarm Topologies. 2018 International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIoT) 2018: 18-27
Elingiusti M., Aniello L., Querzoni L., Baldoni R.
PDF-Malware Detection: A Survey and Taxonomy of Current Techniques. Cyber Threat Intelligence 2018: 169-191
Caldelli R, Amerini I, Li Ct
PRNU-based image classification of origin social network with CNN. Proceedings of the 26th European Signal Processing Conference 2018: 1357-1361
Bonomi Silvia, Farina Giovanni, Tixeuil Sébastien
Reliable Broadcast in Dynamic Networks with Locally Bounded Byzantine Failures. Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems 2018: 170-185
Giuseppi A., Germana R., Di Giorgio A.
Risk Adverse Virtual Power Plant Control in Unsecure Power Systems. 2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2018: 210-216
Di Giorgio Alessandro, Pietrabissa Antonio, Delli Priscoli Francesco, Isidori Alberto
Robust protection scheme against cyber-physical attacks in power systems. IET CONTROL THEORY & APPLICATIONS 2018: 1792-1801
Marco Angelini, Graziano Blasilli, Pietro Borrello, Emilio Coppa, Daniele Cono D'Elia , Serena Ferracci, Simone Lenti, Giuseppe Santucci
ROPMate: Visually Assisting the Creation of ROP-based Exploits. 2018 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) 2018: -
Baldoni R., De Nicola R., Prinetto P., Anglano C., Aniello L., Antinori A., Armando A., Aversa R., Baldi Marco, Barili A., Bartoletti M., Bellini M., Bergadano F., Bernardeschi C., Bianchi E., Biancotti C., Bistarelli S., Blefari Melazzi N., Boetti M., Bondavalli A., Bonomi ., Buccafurri F., Cambiaso E., Caputo B., Carminati B., Cataliotti F. S., Catarci T., Ceccarelli A., Cesa Bianchi N., Chiaraluce F., Colajanni M., Conti M., Conti M., Coppolino L., Costa G., Costamagna V., Cotroneo D., Crispo B., Cucchiara R., D’Antonio S., Damiani E., De Nicola R., De Santis A., Di Battista G., Di Martino B., Degiovanni I. P., Demetrescu C., Di Corinto A., Di Luna A., Di Natale G., Dini G., Evangelisti M., Falcinelli D., Figà G., Ferretti M., Ficco M., Flocchini P., Flottes M., Focardi R., Furfaro Franchina., Girdinio P., Guida F., Italiano G. F., Lain D., Laurenti N., Lioy A., Loreti M., Malerba D., Mancini L. V., Marchetti Spaccamela A., Marcialis G., Margheri A., Marrella A., Martinelli F., Martinelli M., Martino L., Massacci F., Mayer M., Mecella M., Mensi M., Merlo A., Miculan M., Montanari L., Morana M., Mosco G. D., Mostarda L., Murino V., Nardi D., Navigli R., Palazzi A., Palmieri F., Panetta I. C., Passarella A., Pellegrini A., Pelosi G., Pellegrino G., Pirlo G., Piuri V., Pizzonia M., Pogliani M., Polino M., Pontil M., Prinetto P., Quaglia F., Quattrociocchi W., Querzoni L., Rak M., Ranise S., Ricci E., Rossi L., Rota P., Russo L. O., Samarati P., Santoro N., Santucci B., Sassone V., Scala A., Scotti F., Servida A., Spagnoletti P., Spalazzi L., Spidalieri F., Spoto A., Squarcina M., Stefanelli S., Vecchio A., Venticinque S., Villoresi P., Visaggio A., Vitaletti A., Zanero S.
Fiaschetti A., Azzoni P., Noll J., Uribeetxeberria R., Pietrabissa A., Priscoli F. D., Suraci V., Mignanti S., Liberati F., Panfili M., Di Giorgio A., Morgagni A.
The SHIELD approach. Measurable and Composable Security, Privacy, and Dependability for Cyberphysical Systems: The SHIELD Methodology 2018: 105-158
Angeletti Fabio, Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Vitaletti Andrea
Baldoni Roberto, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Massarelli Luca, Petroni Fabio, Querzoni Leonardo
Massarelli Luca, Aniello Leonardo, Ciccotelli Claudio, Querzoni Leonardo, Ucci Daniele, Baldoni Roberto
Android Malware Family Classification Based on Resource Consumption over Time. Computing Research Repository 2017: -
Massarelli L, Aniello L, Ciccotelli C, Querzoni L., Ucci D., Baldoni R.
Android malware family classification based on resource consumption over time. Proceedings of the 2017 12th International Conference on Malicious and Unwanted Software, MALWARE 2017 2017: 31-38
Baldoni Roberto, Coppa Emilio, D’Elia Daniele Cono, Demetrescu Camil
Assisting malware analysis with symbolic execution: A case study. Cyber Security Cryptographyand Machine Learning 2017: 171-188
DEL POZZO Antonella, Bonomi Silvia, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Baldoni Roberto
Building Regular Registers with Rational Malicious Servers and Anonymous Clients. Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning 2017: 50-67
Amerini I, Caldelli R, Del Mastio A, Di Fuccia A, Molinari C, Rizzo Ap
Dealing with video source identification in social networks. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2017: 1-7
DELLI PRISCOLI Francesco, DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Esposito Mariana, Fiaschetti Andrea, Flammini Francesco, Mignanti Silvano, Pragliola Concetta
Ensuring Cyber-Security in Smart Railway Surveillance with SHIELD. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS 2017: 138-170
Di Pirro Matteo, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo
Ensuring information security by using Haskell's advanced type system. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2017: 1-6
Caldelli Roberto, Becarelli Rudy, Amerini Irene
Image Origin Classification Based on Social Network Provenance. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2017: 1299-1308
Conti Mauro, Lain Daniele, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Lovisotto Giulio, Quattrociocchi Walter
It's Always April Fools' Day! On the Difficulty of Social Network Misinformation Classification via Propagation Features. 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2017: 1-6
Amerini Irene, Uricchio Tiberio, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto
Localization of JPEG Double Compression Through Multi-domain Convolutional Neural Networks. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2017: 1865-1871
Pitolli Gregorio, Aniello Leonardo, Laurenza Giuseppe, Querzoni Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto
Malware Family Identification with BIRCH Clustering. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2017: -
Laurenza Giuseppe, Aniello Leonardo, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Baldoni Roberto
Malware Triage Based on Static Features and Public APT Reports. Cyber Security Cryptographyand Machine Learning 2017: 288-305
Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Brancati Francesco, Caldelli Roberto, Giunta Gabriele, Itria Massimiliano L.
Media trustworthiness verification and event assessment through an integrated framework: a case-study. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 2017: 7197-7212
Ambrosin Moreno, Braca Paolo, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo
ODIN: Obfuscation-based privacy-preserving consensus algorithm for Decentralized Information fusion in smart device Networks. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET TECHNOLOGY 2017: 1-22
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Giuseppi Alessandro, Liberati Francesco, Ornatelli Antonio, Rabezzano Antonio, RICCIARDI CELSI Lorenzo
On the optimization of energy storage system placement for protecting power transmission grids against dynamic load altering attacks. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) 2017: 986-992
Ambrosin Moreno, Conti Mauro, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Rabbani Md Masoom, Ranise Silvio
Poster: Toward secure and efficient attestation for highly dynamic swarms. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec 2017 2017: 281-282
Coppa Emilio, D'Elia Daniele Cono, Demetrescu Camil
Rethinking Pointer Reasoning in Symbolic Execution. ASE 2017 - Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2017: 613-618
Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Caldelli Roberto, Melani Alessio, Niccolai Moreno
Smartphone Fingerprinting Combining Features of On-Board Sensors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2017: 2457-2466
Baldini G, Amerini I, Stery G, Caldelli R
The identification of mobile phones through the fingerprints of their built-in magnetometer: an analysis of the portability of the fingerprints. 2017 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST) 2017: 1-6
Amerini Irene, Uricchio Tiberio, Caldelli Roberto
Tracing images back to their social network of origin: A CNN-based approach. 2017 IEEE Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2017: 1-6
Chatzigiannakis Ioannis, Vitaletti Andrea, Pyrgelis Apostolos
A privacy-preserving smart parking system using an IoT elliptic curve based security platform. COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 2016: 165-177
Kallas K., Tondi B., Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
Consensus Algorithm with Censored Data for Distributed Detection with Corrupted Measurements: A Game-Theoretic Approach. Decision and Game Theory for Security 2016: 455-466
Braca P, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Marano S, Matta S.
Learning With Privacy in Consensus + Obfuscation. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS 2016: 1174-1178
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Pignata Tommaso, Barni Mauro
Piecewise Function Approximation with Private Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2016: 642-657
Amerini I., Bestagini P., Bondi L., Caldelli R., Casini M., Tubaro S.
Robust smartphone fingerprint by mixing device sensors features for mobile strong authentication. Electronic Imaging, Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2016 2016: 1-8
Bonomi Silvia, Matteucci Ilaria
Third International Workshop on Reliability and Security Aspects for Critical Infrastructure protection (ReSA4CI 2016). 2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshop (DSN-W) 2016: 136-136
Bonomi Silvia, DEL POZZO Antonella, Potop Butucaru Maria
Tight self-stabilizing mobile byzantine-tolerant atomic register. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, Singapore, January 4-7, 2016 2016: 1-10
Amerini I, Becarelli R, Caldelli R, Casini M
A feature-based forensic procedure for splicing forgeries detection. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2015: -
Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Bertini Bruno, Caldelli Roberto
Acquisition source identification through a blind image classification. IET IMAGE PROCESSING 2015: 329-337
Amerini I, Caldelli R, Del Bimbo A, Di Fuccia A, Rizzo A P, Saravo L
Detection of manipulations on printed images to address crime scene analysis: A case study. FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL 2015: e9-e14
Bonomi Silvia, Matteucci Ilaria
Introduction to the safecomp 2015 workshop: Reliability and security aspects for critical infrastructure protection. Computer Safety,Reliability, and Security. SAFECOMP 2015 Workshops ASSURE, DECSoS, ISSE, ReSA4CI, and SASSUR 2015: XXI-XXIII
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
Privacy Preserving Classification of ECG Signals in Mobile e-Health Applications. Medical Data Privacy Handbook 2015: 569-611
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Pignata T.
Privacy preserving cloud computing through piecewise approximation of multivariate functions. 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) 2015: 515-523
Barni M, Droandi G, Lazzeretti Riccardo
Privacy Protection in Biometric-Based Recognition Systems: A marriage between cryptography and signal processing. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE 2015: 66-76
Droandi G, Lazzeretti Riccardo
SHE based Non Interactive Privacy Preserving Biometric Authentication Protocols. 2015 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP) Proceedings 2015: 1-6
Caldelli R, Amerini I, Costanzo A
SIFT match removal and keypoint preservation through dominant orientation shift. 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2015: 2062-2066
Aniello Leonardo, Armenia Stefano, Baldoni Roberto, D'Amore Fabrizio, Annachiara Di Paolo, Franchina Luisa, Montanari Luca, Panetta Ida Claudia, Querzoni Leonardo, Giovanni Rellini Lerz, Vincenzo Verde Nino
Aniello Leonardo, A. Bondavalli, A. Ceccarelli, Ciccotelli Claudio, M. Cinque, F. Frattini, A. Guzzo, A. Pecchia, A. Pugliese, Querzoni Leonardo, S. Russo
Big data in critical infrastructures security monitoring: challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of the first International Workshop on Real-time Big Data Analytics for Critical Infrastructure Protection 2014: -
Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, Crescenzi Pierluigi, DEL MASTIO Andrea, Marino Andrea
Blind image clustering based on the Normalized Cuts criterion for camera identification. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2014: 831-843
Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Andrea Di Fuccia, Luigi Saravo, Anna Paola Rizzo
Copy-move forgery detection from printed images. Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2014 2014: -
Amerini Irene, F. Battisti, Caldelli Roberto, M. Carli, A. Costanzo
Exploiting perceptual quality issues in countering SIFT-based Forensic methods. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014: 2664-2668
Andrea Costanzo, Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, Barni Mauro
Forensic Analysis of SIFT Keypoint Removal and Injection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2014: 1450-1464
Amerini Irene, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, A. Di Fuccia, A. Rizzo, L. Saravo
Forgery detection from printed images: a tool in crime scene analysis. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting 2014: 149-150
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Horn S, Braca P, Willett P.
Secure multi-party consensus gossip algorithms. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2014: 7406-7410
Amerini Irene, Becarelli Rudy, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Del Mastio
Splicing Forgeries Localization through the Use of First Digit Features. 2014 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2014: 143-148
Aniello Leonardo, Baldoni Roberto, Ciccotelli Claudio, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, F. Frontali, Querzoni Leonardo
The overlay scan attack: inferring topologies of distributed pub/sub systems through broker saturation. Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems 2014: 107-117
Angelini Marco, Arcuri MARIA CRISTINA, Baldoni Roberto, Ciccotelli Claudio, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Montanari Luca, Panetta Ida Claudia, Querzoni Leonardo, Verde NINO VINCENZO
Baldoni Roberto, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Querzoni Leonardo
Collaborative detection of coordinated port scans. Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2013: 102-117
Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Del Tongo Luca, Serra Giuseppe
Copy-move forgery detection and localization by means of robust clustering with J-Linkage. SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION 2013: 659-669
Amerini Irene, Mauro Barni, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Costanzo
Counter-forensics of SIFT-based copy-move detection by means of keypoint classification. EURASIP JOURNAL ON IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING 2013: 1-17
Barni M, Bernaschi Massimo, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Pignata T, Sabellico A.
Parallel Implementation of GC-Based MPC Protocols in the Semi-Honest Setting. Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security 2013: 66-82
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Failla P., Barni M.
Privacy-Aware Processing of Biometric Templates by Means of Secure Two-Party Computation. Security and Privacy in Biometrics 2013: 149-185
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
Private computing with garbled circuits [applications corner]. IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE 2013: 123-127
Amerini Irene, M. Barni, Caldelli Roberto, A. Costanzo
Removal and injection of keypoints for SIFT-based copy-move counter-forensics. EURASIP JOURNAL ON MULTIMEDIA AND INFORMATION SECURITY 2013: 1-12
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Pignata T, Barni M.
Secure Evaluation of Private Functions through Piecewise Linear Approximation. 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2013: 55-60
Amerini Irene, Mauro Barni, Caldelli Roberto, Andrea Costanzo
SIFT keypoint removal and injection for countering matching-based image forensics. IH&MMSec '13 Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security 2013: 123-130
Baldoni Roberto, Bonomi Silvia, DI LUNA GIUSEPPE ANTONIO, Montanari Luca, Sorella Mara
Understanding (mis)information spreading for improving corporate network trustworthiness. Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceDependable Computing 2013: 165-172
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Liberati Francesco
A Bayesian Network-Based Approach to the Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Analysis. IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL 2012: 510-519
Amerini I., Ballan L., Caldelli R., Del Bimbo A., Del Tongo L., Serra G.
An Effective Tool for Copy-Move Forgery Detection and Localization. 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2012: -
Luo Y, Cheung S, Pignata T, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
An efficient protocol for private iris-code matching by means of garbled circuits. 2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2012: 2653-2656
Pignata T, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
General function evaluation in a STPC setting via piecewise linear approximation. 2012 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2012: 55-60
Caldelli Roberto, Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Serra Giuseppe, Barni Mauro, A. Costanzo
On the effectiveness of local warping against SIFT-based copy-move detection. 2012 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing 2012: 1-5
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Guajardo J, Barni M.
Privacy preserving ECG quality evaluation. MM&Sec '12 Proceedings of the on Multimedia and security 2012: 165-174
Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, Del Bimbo Alberto, Serra Giuseppe
A SIFT-based forensic method for copy-move attack detection and transformation recovery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2011: 1099-1110
Caldelli R., Amerini I., Novi A.
An analysis on attacker actions in fingerprint-copy attack in source camera identification. 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2011 2011: 1-6
Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Luca Del Tongo, Serra Giuseppe
An image forensics tool for copy-move detection and localization. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) 2011: -
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
Division between encrypted integers by means of Garbled Circuits. 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2011: 1-6
DI GIORGIO Alessandro, Francesco Liberati
Interdependency modeling and analysis of critical infrastructures based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks. 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED 2011) 2011: 791-797
Barni M, Failla P, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Sadeghi A. R, Schneider T.
Privacy-preserving ECG classification with branching programs and neural networks. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2011: 452-468
A DFT-Based Analysis to Discern Between Camera and Scanned Images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL CRIME AND FORENSICS 2010: 21-29
Amerini Irene, G. Ballocca, R. Borri, Caldelli Roberto, Filippini Francesco
A DVB-MHP web browser to pursue convergence between Digital Terrestrial Television and Internet. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS 2010: 381-414
Barni M, Bianchi T, Catalano D, Di Raimondo M, Labati R. D, Failla P, Fiore D, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Piuri V, Piva A, Scotti F.
A privacy-compliant fingerprint recognition system based on homomorphic encryption and Fingercode templates. 2010 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS) 2010: 1-7
Amerini I., Caldelli R., Cappellini V., Picchioni F., Piva A.
Estimate of PRNU noise based on different noise models for source camera identification. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL CRIME AND FORENSICS 2010: 21-33
Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F., Innocenti M.
Fast image clustering of unknown source images. 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security, WIFS 2010 2010: 1-5
Amerini Irene, Ballan Lamberto, Caldelli Roberto, DEL BIMBO Alberto, Serra Giuseppe
Geometric Tampering Estimation by Means of a SIFT-based Forensic Analysis. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2010: 1702-1705
Barni M, Guajardo J, Lazzeretti Riccardo
Privacy preserving evaluation of signal quality with application to ECG analysis. 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security 2010: -
Barni M, Bianchi T, Catalano D, Di Raimondo M, Donida Labati R, Failla P, Fiore D, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Piuri V, Scotti F, Piva A.
Privacy-preserving fingercode authentication. MM&Sec '10 Proceedings of the 12th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security 2010: 231-240
Amerini I., Caldelli R., Cappellini V., Picchioni F., Piva A.
Analysis of Denoising Filters for Photo Response Non Uniformity Noise Extraction in Source Camera Identification. 2009 16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing 2009: 1-7
Combining Signal Processing and Cryptographic Protocol Design for Efficient ECG Classification. International Workshop on Signal Processing in the EncryptEd Domain - colocated with CHES 2009 2009: 1-20
Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F.
Distinguishing between camera and scanned images by means of frequency analysis. Forensics in Telecommunications, Information and Multimedia 2009: 95-101
'Barni M, Failla P, Koleshnikov V, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Paus A, Sadeghi A, Schneider T.
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Classification of ECG Signals. 2009 First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS) 2009: 91-95
Caldelli R., Amerini I., Picchioni F., De Rosa A., Uccheddu F.
Multimedia forensic techniques for acquisition device identification and digital image authentication. Handbook of Research on Computational Forensics, Digital Crime, and Investigation: Methods and Solutions 2009: 130-154
Barni M, Failla P, Kolesnikov V, Lazzeretti Riccardo, Sadeghi A, Schneider T.
Secure Evaluation of Private Linear Branching Programs with Medical Applications. Computer Security – ESORICS 2009 2009: 424-439
Lazzeretti Riccardo, Barni M.
Lossless Compression of Encrypted Grey-Level and Color Images. 16th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2008 2008: 1-5