Enhancing Autonomous Systems through Active Perception and Multimodal Integration
Nell'ambito della procedura selettiva per il reclutamento di n. 1. Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipologia A per il Settore concorsuale 09/IINF-05 – Settore scientifico-disciplinare IINF-05/A - presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, bandita con D.D. N. 11/2025 DEL 10/01/2025, codice concorso 2024RTDAPNRR009, il vincitore Luca Di Giammarino terra' un seminario pubblico in data 4/3/2025 alle ore 10:00 presso l'aula B101, via ariosto
Titolo: Enhancing Autonomous Systems through Active Perception and Multimodal Integration
Abstract: The growing complexity of autonomous systems requires the development of robust spatial AI algorithms that equip machines with the capability to perceive, navigate, and react efficiently to complex, unstructured, and dynamic environments. This research aims to enhance the autonomy and robustness of robotic systems by integrating active perception techniques and multimodal data. Active perception allows robots to maximize state estimation accuracy and other target information while navigating. Besides, the integration of multimodal measurements overcome single sensor weaknesses, enhancing perception precision and reducing computational time. The integration of these techniques, aims to develop more effective, scalable, and adaptable spatial AI algorithms with enhanced capabilities in autonomous systems.
Short CV:
Luca Di Giammarino received his Ph.D. in Eng. in Computer Science in January 2024 from Sapienza University of Rome, with a dissertation on "Unified multimodal 3D reconstructions: leveraging parallels between camera and LiDAR". He has been visiting the CVG Group at ETH Zürich, headed by Prof. Marc Pollefeys, from September 2023 till February 2024. He is currently a research fellow at the Sapienza University of Rome with a project on "Digital Twin City - Semantic Mapping for Rome Digital Twin." The results of his research have been published in international robotics peer-reviewed Journals such as RA-L and robotics/computer vision peer-reviewed conferences such as ICRA, IROS, and ECCV.