Notizia in home page 23963

Linear-time Temporal Logics on Finite Traces
With the purpose of celebrating the UNESCO World Logic Day, the Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation group of DIAG at Sapienza University will host an on-line event on January 18, 2021, 02:45pm (Italy time), with a keynote talk by Giuseppe De Giacomo world-renowned researcher in Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: In this talk we look at temporal logics on traces that are assumed to be finite, as typical of action planning in Artificial Intelligence and of processes modeling in Business Process Management. Having to deal with finite traces has been considered a sort of accident in much of the AI and BPM literature, and standard temporal logics (on infinite traces) have been hacked to fit this assumption. Only recently a specific interest in studying the impact of such an assumption has emerged. We first introduce the notion of Temporal Logic, and then we delve into the detail of Linear-time Temporal Logics on Finite Traces, reviewing the main results on satisfiability, verification, and synthesis, and also drawing connections with work in AI planning. The main catch is that working with these logics can be based on manipulation of regular automata on finite strings, simplifying greatly reasoning and especially synthesis.
When: Jan 18, 2022 02:45 PM Rome
Where: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 835 9797 0844, Passcode: 200976
For information, contact Maurizio Lenzerini (lenzerini AT